Conference and Journal Publications

Fang, C., Stachenfeld, K. (arXiv 2023) Predictive auxiliary objectives in deep RL mimic learning in the brain.

Fang, C., Aronov, D., Abbott, L., and Mackevicius, E. (eLife 2023) Neural learning rules for generating flexible predictions and computing the successor representation. Find blog posts about this work from Basis AI blog and the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre.

Fang, C., Shook, E., Buck, J., and Horga, G. (NeurIPS SVRHM 2022; * equal contribution) Predictive Coding Dynamics Improve Noise Robustness in A Deep Neural Network of the Human Auditory System

Fang, C., Aronov, D., Abbott, L., and Mackevicius, E. (ICML 2022 Beyond Bayes Workshop) Biological Mechanisms for Learning Predictive Models of the World and Generating Flexible Predictions.

Vendrell-Llopis, N., Fang, C., Qu, A., Costa, R., Carmena, J. (Current Biology 2022). Diverse operant control of different motor cortex populations during learning.

Tyulmankov, D.*, Fang, C.*, Vadaparty, A., and Yang, G.R. (NeurIPS 2021; * equal contribution). Biological key-value memory networks.